Wednesday, March 23, 2016

Week 10 Brainstorming Cards for Gameboard

Process For Designing Cards

This week was dedicated to learning a new tool: Adobe InDesign. We are using InDesign as a platform for creating our cards. The first step to designing the cards was to first find a place that can manufacture them. Luckily, the same place that can manufacture our game boards can make the cards as well ( After determining what size cards I wanted to make, I applied the same dimensions in Adobe InDesign. I will be making 36 cards for the game board. The second step was determining what content and categories will be on the cards. 

The categories for my cards (subject to change) will be: Action cards, Wild Cards, Questions, and Challenges. Action cards are either going to move you ahead or behind on the game board. Wild cards are going to be used as consumable cards in case you pick up an action card that works against you. Questions will be like trivia cards and if you answer it right you will move forward and backward if you do not. Challenges will be physical involving users to interact in different ways. 

Examples of Questions:

Name 4 cars from Chevrolet

What year did Ford redesign the Mustang to resemble the first generation Mustang?

Examples of Action Cards:

Draw a NOS card and you roll a die and move forward the amount rolled

Draw a Flat Tire card and you lose x amount of spaces

Draw a Wrong Turn card and move back x amount of spaces

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